Handmade in Germany

How a high-quality leather hide becomes a masterpiece of German craftsmanship

The satisfaction of our customers is the guiding principle of everything we do.

— Ulrich Fleischmann

Bavarian craftsmanship

With this claim, Fluco has been manufacturing fine watch straps 100% in Germany since 1952. Ulrich Fleischmann is the third generation to run the factory that his grandfather, a fine leather maker, founded over 70 years ago in Furth im Wald.

Deeply rooted in the Bavarian Forest, where values ​​such as durability and appreciation are not empty words, the family business takes the term "honorable craftsmanship" literally - there is no room for appearances here. Fluco offers luxury that is not dictated by price.

The highest standards of quality begin with the transparent selection of leather. For example, the Alran tannery from France, the Haas tannery from France, and the Perlinger tannery, also from Furth im Wald, are among the family company's suppliers. When it comes to Cordovan products, Fluco takes the leap across the pond: the fine hides come from the Horween tannery in Chicago, a well-established name and seal of quality.

Carefully selected leathers as well as numerous colors and embossings, coupled with a high standard of quality, make the watch straps pieces of jewelry that underline the individuality of their owner.

Präzise Handarbeit in der Fluco Manufaktur – Qualitätskontrolle und sorgfältige Verarbeitung hochwertiger Leder-Uhrenarmbänder

Handmade in Germany

In our factory in the Bavarian Forest, experienced bag makers process selected leathers into small masterpieces for your wrist. To this day, Fluco manufactures 100% of its products in its own production facility in Furth im Wald.

Quality, honesty and tradition are fundamental values ​​for us today, just as they were when we were founded 68 years ago. It is our daily endeavour to meet the highest quality standards.

“Omnia praeclara rara” – Everything excellent is rare

Exklusives exotisches Leder von Fluco – Hochwertiges Material für handgefertigte Uhrenarmbänder und Accessoires. Nachhaltige Lederverarbeitung aus Deutschland

species protection

Special laws apply to watch straps made of reptile leather and the trade in them. These laws were developed in the interest of species protection in accordance with the globally valid Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This stipulates that watch straps made of reptile leather can be purchased legally.

All reptile watch straps are marked with an IRV flag (species protection). This guarantees that the leather is a legally compliant article in accordance with the provisions of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.


Handmade in Germany

In our factory in the Bavarian Forest, experienced bag makers process selected leathers into small masterpieces for your wrist. To this day, Fluco manufactures 100% of its products in its own production facility in Furth im Wald.

Quality, honesty and tradition are fundamental values ​​for us today, just as they were when we were founded 68 years ago. It is our daily endeavour to meet the highest quality standards.

“Omnia praeclara rara” – Everything excellent is rare


species protection

Special laws apply to watch straps made of reptile leather and the trade in them. These laws were developed in the interest of species protection in accordance with the globally valid Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This stipulates that watch straps made of reptile leather can be purchased legally.

All reptile watch straps are marked with an IRV flag (species protection). This guarantees that the leather is a legally compliant article in accordance with the provisions of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

Präzise Handarbeit in der Fluco Manufaktur – Qualitätskontrolle und sorgfältige Verarbeitung hochwertiger Leder-UhrenarmbänderExklusives exotisches Leder von Fluco – Hochwertiges Material für handgefertigte Uhrenarmbänder und Accessoires. Nachhaltige Lederverarbeitung aus Deutschland

Production in the Fluco Manufaktur

Our straps are 100% made in our factory in Furth im Wald. Over the decades, we have continually improved and perfected the production of watch straps. The current hall was built in 1990 and to this day represents a place where quality is created.

In almost 60 work steps, small masterpieces are created in our factory under the skilled hands of our qualified and experienced employees. To get a little insight into the complex production process, we recommend watching our video about the production of our instrument straps.

Hochwertiges Nähgarn für die Lederverarbeitung – Präzise Handwerkskunst bei Fluco für langlebige und stilvolle Uhrenarmbänder aus Echtleder

History of the Fluco Manufactory

Erste Fluco Manufaktur im Föhrenweg – Bild der ursprünglichen Fertigungsstätte von Fluco im Föhrenweg, als das Unternehmen mit nur 8 Mitarbeitern in kleinen Räumlichkeiten hochwertige Uhrenarmbänder herstellte. Das Bild zeigt das bescheidene und effiziente Arbeitsumfeld der ersten Manufaktur.


Founding year 1952

In 1949, Anton Fleischmann Sr. founded the company to produce watch straps and small leather goods.

Fluco Manufaktur zu Beginn mit noch weniger Personal – Historisches Bild der ersten Tage der Fluco Manufaktur, als das Unternehmen mit noch weniger Personal als 8 Mitarbeitern startete. Das Bild zeigt das sehr kleine Team, das in einem engen Arbeitsraum die ersten Uhrenarmbänder von Fluco produzierte.


… Anton Fleischmann Jr. took over the management of the company together with his brother Reinhold Fleischmann

From 1976 onwards, Anton Fleischmann ran the company alone and was able to assert himself on the market with entrepreneurial vision, hard work and the preservation of traditional manufacturing techniques.

Baubeginn der Fluco Manufaktur in Fürth im Wald im Jahr 1990 – Historisches Bild von der Baustelle zu Beginn der Errichtung der Fluco Fabrik, die für die Produktion hochwertiger Uhrenarmbänder bekannt wurde. Das Bild zeigt das Fundament des Gebäudes und die ersten Bauarbeiten für die Fertigungseinrichtungen.

New building of the manufactory

Move to the industrial park

New building of today's manufactory in Furth im Wald.

Fertiggestellte Fluco Manufaktur im Jahr 1990 – Historisches Bild der Fluco Manufaktur, die 1990 ihre Fertigstellung erreichte. Das Bild zeigt das voll funktionsfähige Gebäude, das für die Herstellung hochwertiger Uhrenarmbänder konzipiert wurde. Die Architektur und der Arbeitsbereich sind auf die Produktion von Luxus-Uhrenarmbändern ausgerichtet.


Stroke of fate

… sudden death of Mr. Anton Fleischmann, his son Ulrich Fleischmann took over the management of the company at the age of only 21.


4th generation in the company

Since 2021, Ludwig Fleischmann has represented the company as a member of the fourth generation and is bringing a breath of fresh air to the success story. Ulrich Fleischmann continues to lead the company - supported by the commitment of his son. The company now has 40 employees.